Major Types of Nuts Used Across Industries and Their Features

Even the smallest tools and supplies are crucial when it comes to creating a structure, be it manufacturing, construction, aviation, or any other industry. Nuts, screws, and washers called fasteners made and supplied by the top U nuts manufacturers in Turkey are the smallest yet very important components used across industries. All of them are fasteners and function by securing the screws. 


Proper fastening is what keeps machines and other structures intact 


Be it industrial machines, home appliances, pieces of furniture, vehicles, or any other structure, all are often exposed to high-intensity vibrations and need proper fastening to stay intact and unaffected. Without the proper use of nuts and washers, the screws can chip off at any time and the machines or appliances might break apart. This situation not only can cause serious damage to properties but also serious injuries if some people are around.  


This blog discusses some major types of nuts and their features:




Made and supplied by the leading U nuts manufacturers in Turkey, locknuts are best suited to structures and machines that are always prone to vibration. These nuts provide the equipment with sufficient resistance to withstand the impact of vibrations. Available in different shapes and sizes, these nuts serve almost the same purpose wherever installed. 




This type of industrial nut has two wings and this uniqueness makes it easier for installers to adjust even without using any special gloves on their hands. Wings nuts supplied by the top fastener supplier in Delhi find applications in the construction industry wherein the tightening or loosening capacities in nuts are required most. 


Square nuts


Square nuts are also made and supplied by the leading U nuts manufacturers in Turkey. These nuts often come with a larger surface area than hex nuts. This uniqueness makes them ideally suitable for installing tools and machines using wrenches.   


Concluding Remarks


Super Screws is one of the leading U-nuts manufacturers in Turkey. The company manufactures and supplies a wide range of industrial nuts, screws, washers, bolts, and allied fastening tools. The company is also capable of producing customized fastening solutions as per the requirements of its customers.  
