The Different Types of Fasteners

 If you have ever done any kind of home decor on your own, you know many different fasteners are available. Each of these fasteners is distinct and has a specific purpose. In an industrial setting, the use of fasteners is even more critical. Manufacturers must use the
best quality fasteners
to ensure that every component in the final product stays in its place. If one of these parts moves from its designated place, the machinery might stop working.

Fasteners come in different sizes and shapes. Their function will decide the shape and size of the fasteners. Today, let us discuss all the different kinds of fasteners available in India. 

  1. Screws: You will find this in every household in India. They are the most commonly used fasteners. They have a threaded shaft with a sharp pointed tip. You can fix them tightly by using a screwdriver. Bigger screws can be handled by the use of a power drill. 

  2. Bolts: The bolt fastener manufacturers in India do not just make bolts. They also produce the nuts to go with these bolts. Bolts come in different types, like carriage bolts and anchor bolts. Nuts and bolts are most commonly used in construction and in car manufacturing. 

  3. Rivets: Rivets are fasteners that form a joint stronger than screws. It can be used to connect two materials by flattening the end of the rivet. They are commonly used in building cars and planes. There are many types of rivets, like blind rivets and drive rivets. 

  4. Washers: Your tap has this kind of fastener. Washers are thin and flat disks with a hole in the middle. They are used to distribute the load on the nut and bolt. Without the washers, the other fasteners will become loose very quickly. Washers come in different types, including flat, spring, and lock washers.

  5. Anchors: These are named so because they help to bind an object to a surface securely. The Wedge anchors are the best quality fasteners in this category. 


Understanding the different types of fasteners can help you select the suitable fastener for your need. For manufacturers to maintain efficiency in the final product, the fasteners must be of the best quality. Therefore, it is always recommended to source them from the leading fasteners manufacturers in India. This way, you can ensure that your final product is robust and durable. 
